Youth action

Roma Youth Conference, September 26-30th by the Council of Europe

ternYpe participated with 10 people, representing all member organizations, in the Roma Youth Conference, which was hosted between September 26-30th by the Council of Europe. The conference brought together 50 representatives and youth leaders of Roma youth organizations and young Roma between 18 and 30 years who have discussed ahebout t needs and challenges of Roma youth and youth organizations, they have exchange experience in youth work and have develop guidelines for a Roma Youth Action Plan (RYAP) of the Council of Europe and beyond for 2012-2013.

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European Youth Forum: Roma inclusion discussed and evaluated in the European Youth Centre

Brussels/European Youth Forum: Suffering from the stigmatisation of most communities in Europe, Roma young people face additional difficulties to play a full part in all aspects of society. During the transition to adulthood, many young Roma have to deal with even more poverty and lack of opportunities than young Europeans. In this context, a meeting was organised by the Council of Europe on 9th and 10th December 2011 in the European Youth Centre of Strasbourg to discuss Roma inclusion.

This two-days meeting constituted the follow-up of the Roma Youth Conference, which had taken place from 26th to 30th September and brought together Roma youth leaders and representatives of Roma non-governmental organisations active in combating discrimination affecting Roma across Europe. This time, the discussions focused on the evolution of Roma inclusion and on the preparation of a Roma Youth Action Plan for 2012-2013. Guidelines on possible ways to ameliorate Roma's inclusion were developed in response to the challenges and aspirations experienced by young Roma today. The Action Plan will, for example, respond to the limited access to political participation and to the limited or no participation in mainstream youth events and initiatives by Roma youth.

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Roma youth continuing leading the fight against HIV/AIDS

On the 1-st of June 2010, the MTV Staying Alive Foundation officially announced that the Regional Roma Educational Youth Association (RROMA) from Kratovo, Macedonia will receive a grant for implementing an awareness campaign on HIV/AIDS and STI (sexual transmitted infections). This July 2011, the MTV Staying Alive Foundation announced that SAF will continue supporting RROMA for three more years.
The awareness campaign will not only improve knowledge, but also promote positive values about the Roma community and promote them as agents of change and people that care about their health and the health of the others that live together with them in the society. This year, RROMA will go into new communities such as Kriva Palanka, Sveti Nikole, Delcevo, Strumica, Radovis, Pehcevo and Stip. Starting from today, RROMA will continue conduct an awareness campaign based on creativity and using social media. There will be a lot of creative actions, videos, theater, role-playing, comic drawing, awareness workshops, data researches etc.
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ternYpe participated in SALTO expert meeting on Roma youth in South East Europe

On December 5th-6th, 2011, ternYpe participated in the “Expert meeting on Roma Youth in South East Europe” organized by SALTO South East Europe Resource Centre in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The meeting brought representatives of Roma and non-Roma organisations working with young Roma and a group of experienced youth workers and trainers together in order to initiate a dialogue on how to strengthen Roma youth activism and participation in international youth projects and in the Youth in Action Programme in particular. Within the Youth in Action Programme the participation of young Roma has recently become a high priority, which is a fact that all stakeholders have to take into consideration. SALTO SEE (hosted by the Slovenian National Agency) and SALTO Cultural Diversity (hosted by the UK National Agency-British Council) will take the lead in the process to reach out to more Roma organizations.


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Campaign song: "The World is not Black and White"

"The world is not Black and White''is the title of the song of our campaign "Thank you Mr. Mayor! -Local partnership for Roma inclusion', a campaign supported from European Commission and organized by Roma Active Albania. Within few days the song received over 30.000 clicks on youtube! The song was produced by Dr. Flori, one of the most famous Albanian singers currently, together with 3 other young talented Roma singers. As you can see in the video clip, even the youth group of Roma Active Albania is involved.

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ternYpe General Assembly wins 9 to 3 against Campaign Working Group in Football Championship in Rome

Once again in this year's Football Championship the selection of ternYpe General Assembly showed its strength and endless energy. Although also the team of the ternYpe Campaign Working Group tried to demonstrate its dedication and proactive spirit, the team had to accept the 9: 3 victory of the General Assembly with its strong defense and strikers!

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