Albania: Roma Active Albania
- “We live under the same sky"
- 1st Roma Youth Congress
- Training with the youngsters: Capacity-building through debating
- Essay Competition
- Roma magazine “Youth Voice
- Photograph exhibition “Roma reality”
Mission and Vison
The vision of RAA is to empower Roma people to join the Roma grassroots movement to fight for inclusion and a better position of Roma in society. Moreover, RAA plays a key role in the ERGO network, and is actively involved in the Decade of Roma Inclusion.
We are a group of young Roma and Non-Roma students and activist from different cities and communities of Albania which aim to create a space for youngsters to become active in society through empowerment, mobilisation and self-organisation. Our network consist of 27 young Roma and Non-Roma leaders and activists.
Who we Are
Roma Active Albania is an experienced organization aiming at the mobilization and empowerment of Roma people. We are actively lobbying and advocating Roma issues at local, national and international level. RAA is specialized in addressing Roma issues, conducting analysis and developing new methods and strategies to tackle the exclusion of Roma people in Albania and Europe. RAA supports networks and groups with special emphasis on women and youth. RAA coordinates two regional networks in the region of Fier and Korça. The vision of RAA is to contribute to empowering Roma to come together in a grassroots Roma movement, which will change position of Roma by fighting against exclusionary mechanisms. Moreover, RAA plays a key role in the ERGO (European Roma Grassroots Organization) Network, and is actively involved in the Decade of Roma Inclusion.
Address: Rr. "Ylbere Bylykbashi"; P. 25; Shk. 2; Ap. 4
Tirana, Albania
director: Adriatik Hasantari
Tel: +355 42265953
Fax: +355 42265953