Youth action

Roma Genocide, Holocaust Education and Antigypsyism in Youth Work

International partnership building seminar of ternYpe 
March 10-15, 2013 in Bad Dürkheim/Heidelberg (Germany)

The partnership-building seminar organized by ternYpe International Roma Youth Network will bring together 50 Roma and non-Roma multipliers and youth activists to create a platform of exchange of experiences, practices and methods for young people and youth organizations how to address Holocaust, antigypsyism and human rights issues in grassroots, national and international actions, and how to strengthen the awareness and mobilization of young people for these issues. The four day lasting seminar on March 10th-15th, 2013 is designed to share experiences between the participating organizations, to increase the knowledge and awareness of participants on the Roma genocide, to reflect on the relevance and creation of a culture of commemoration among Roma and non-Roma youth, and in order to strengthen the coordinated efforts to build joint initiatives on grassroots level, as well as on international level towards the commemoration and to challenge antigypsyism and racism in Europe. The seminar will focus on developing follow-up actions such as a campaign, and on coordinating the preparation of the youth conference and commemoration of the Roma Genocide around August 2nd, as a day of commemoration of the Roma Genocide during World War II.

Project Details

• Dates: March 10-15, 2013 (including travel days, 4 program days)
• Place: Bad Dürkheim/Heidelberg, Germany
• Participants: About 50 participants from 30 Roma and non-Roma youth organizations

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Nyári tábor Budapesten, a Normafánál

2013. július 15 és 22 között az RGDTS Nonprofit Kft. Nyári tábort szervezett a ternYpe Magyarország Hálózattal közösen Budapesten, a Normafánál. A táborban, amely egy tréning is volt egyben, 40 fiatal bolgár, olasz, szlovák, német és magyar fiatal felnőtt vett részt. Az egy hetes táborban a résztvevők különböző workshop-okon vettek részt: online és offline media; közösségszervezés és aktív állampolgárság; identitás és sztereotípia; kreatív kampányok. A programok amellet, hogy képességfejlesztőek, hiszen a tréninget a témákban jártas szakemberek tartották, egyfajta lehetőség a fiatal felnőtteknek, hogy mint csoportvezetők működjenek, illetve tudásukat, szervezőképességüket továbbadják és fejlesszék, emellett a média világába is “belekóstoljanak”, videókat, riportokat készítsenek. A tábor az ‘Egész életen át tartó tanulás – Grundtvig’ program keretében valósult meg.

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Official documentary: Youth Conference of Cyprus EU Presidency

ternYpe participated in the Cyprus EU Youth and DG's Conference that took place on the 11th - 13th September 2012 in Nicosia, during Cyprus Presidency in the Council of the European Union

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UNFPA consultation meeting on Roma youth advocacy

ternYpe participated in the Roma Youth Advocacy meeting organized by UNFPA on health issues. find here the report of UNFPA:

ISTANBUL, Turkey -- A 2 day workshop shares best practices from European non-government organisations in working with Roma communities. Today a Roma youth advocacy workshop, hosted by UNFPA’s Regional Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia, came to a successful completion in Istanbul, Turkey. Twenty-eight representatives from across Europe (including Spain, the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Slovakia, Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Macedonia, Albania, Kosovo and Turkey) attended the 2-day event.

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International Youth Exchange - Migration never stops

The participants from Germany, Czech Republic, Serbia and Macedonia are meet on the final counter for the project in Czech Republic – Prague . The international meeting it was started on Sunday from 29 july and it will continue till the end of the week the 5 of August.The participants goes to their group again and they are finalizing the outcome witch will be presented in Poland ,Krakow ( Auschwitz). They will gather in Auschwitz on the 2nd of August taking part in The Memorial ceremony, events to remember the fate of thousands of Roma during second world war and raise awareness of danger of extremism and present issues of antygypsism and discrimination.

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August 2nd - Commemoration Day of the Roma Genocide

Press Release: August 2nd - ternYpe International Roma Youth Network

On the Day of Commemoration of the Roma Genocide on August 2, ternYpe International Roma Youth Network calls for a European wide political recognition of the persecution and genocide of Roma and Sinti in Europe by the Nazi regime, and for a greater awareness in our societies of the danger of antigypsyism, hate speech and stigmatization, which continuously cause social exclusion and marginalization of Roma in most European countries.

On the 2nd of August 1944, 2897 elderly people, women and children, the remaining Sinti and Roma of the so-called "gypsy camp" (“Zigeunerlager”) at Auschwitz-Birkenau, were murdered in the gas chambers. Knowledge and official recognition of the extermination of Roma during the Second World War is still very limited - especially among young Europeans including the Roma. Unlike the genocide of Jews, the wartime fate of Roma people is still  a blank page in historiography, the Roma Genocide during the Nazi regime; tens of thousands of Roma murdered in the occupied Eastern territories and thousands of them killed in extermination camps has still not entered the canon of modern history curricula. The ignorance of the majority of society concerning Roma history contributes complexly  to the prejudice Roma people suffer from, and it also represents an obstacle to their inclusion within the European Union.

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