ternYpe "Take Action"

After a successful International training in Kosice,  we managed to  strengthen the capacity and leadership skills of youth leaders and youth workers operating in the field of intercultural dialogue. Special attention was given to the equal involvement of Roma, non-Roma and other minority youth leaders. We used art as a tool in order to break stereotypes, to fights against discrimination to develop strong messages of political and social campaigning, to create an open space of intercultural dialogue and to develop the personality and capacity of young people. The aim of this seminar was to strength the leadership skills through different creative methods like theatre, artistic workshops and writing about our personal histories. The training course was challenging participants, new potential volunteers and youth workers of ternYpe to work better, gain new personal skills and grow higher. To discover their own leadership and develop it.

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          European program "Grundtvig" convinced the efforts and work of the two organizations, led by the idea of lifelong learning. A project of the "Youth Development Network" - Simitli "Roma Youth Empowerment for Active Citizenship" to perform activities - courses in information technology/ computer literacy for young adults. The course is organized more by the youth organization, in cooperation with YICC - Blagoevgrad, which provides professional trainers.
The first session of the training course on computer literacy began to 22 July in Simitli. 
Courses will be a total duration of two months, trainees are divided into two groups, beginners and advanced.
 Days in which the courses will take place are Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 17:00 to 19:00. The teacher of both groups is Arife Ibrahim specialist "Information services". After successful completion of the training all participants will receive a certificate of participation in training courses. Similar building capacity courses are taking place in other countries, partners of the Youth Network in this project, namely in Germany, Slovakia, Hungary and Italy.
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"DIK I NA BISTAR - Roma Genocide Remembrance Initiative 2013"

Dates: 30.07.-04.08.2013 (including arrival and departure, 4 program days)
Place: Krakow, Auschwitz (Poland)
Participants: 300 young Roma and non-Roma youth activists from 15 countries
Participants per country: about 20-40 participants per country
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7th ternYpe Networking Meeting, November 26-30th 2012 Blagoevgrad

From November 26-30th, ternYpe - International Roma Youth Network organized in Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria, the seminar "Strengthening the ternYpe youth movement for respect between Roma and non-Roma youth" to reflect, to share experiences, to discuss the internal development of the network, and to discuss the specific action plan which reflects the ternYpe strategy. 30 youth leaders, representing their organizations from 9 different ternYpe member countries came together to discuss about their engagement, achievements and challenges for the empowerment and mobilization of Roma youth, and new actions and cooperation on international level were developed. The plans of 2013 include the ternYpe Academy, a new grassroots campaign and a big youth conference and commemoration event in Krakow and Auschwitz around August 2nd.

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Roma Youth Empowerment for Active Citizenship

The main objectives of the Learning Partnership for "Roma Youth Empowerment for Active Citizenship" brings together Roma organizations experienced in adult education from 5 European countries for a two year lasting transnational networking and learning process. The main aims of the partnership are to to strengthen the foreign language skills, the initiative and the social and civic skills of young adult learners, Roma and non-Roma, to combat racism and xenophobia, as well as to improve the approaches and methods of staff and trainers in the field. As a part from this learning partnership program in Berlin from the 4th of Mai till the 13th of Mai take place a international training-course which brought together 12 young Roma and Non-Roma adult learners for 9 days with the aim to strengthen their social & civic skills to combat racism and xenophobia through creative actions and campaigns. The course targeted youth leaders and active multipliers working with new methods of artistic and intercultural dialogue between European countries, between Roma and non-Roma. The diversity of languages, cultures, identities and forms of artistic expressions constituted the strength of the group dynamic. Using art action as a tool, we developed campaign actions promoting our philosophy of intercultural dialogue, anti-racism and the inclusion of minorities to a broad public .The transnational training-course attempt to strengthen the mutual cooperation between modern youth theatres that work on local level with a specific concept of art action and social inclusion of young people of different social and cultural background. We believe in the long-term cooperation of this network and in the self-initiative and responsibility within the art and creativity work of young people.

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"My story, my rights" new RomaReact Contest

ERGO Network and Amnesty International are calling for your contribution to the RomaReact interactive map for the contest “My story, my rights” with the aim of highlighting the voices of young Roma on the European map. Share your story with the world, make everyone see, through your own eyes, who the Roma are, and help us fight anti-Roma prejudice and discrimination. The contest is open on 12 March and will close on 30 April 2013. Join and win!!!!

For more information about the contest and how to apply read more on RomaReact http://www.romareact.org/news/view/1076

The contest is part of the launch of Amnesty International’s campaign “Human Rights Here. Roma Rights Now” which is aiming at getting the EU and governments to take stronger action to end anti-Roma discrimination and racism. The campaign was launched on 4 April 2013.  

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Osztályfőnöki órák az Árpád Fejedelem Gimnáziumban

2013. februárjában a kisteleki Árpád Fejedelem Gimnázium rendkívüli osztályfőnöki órák megtartására hívta az RGDTS Nonprofit Kft-t, a ternYpe Magyarország Hálózattal együttműködésben. A foglalkozásokat fiatal felnőttek tartották, akik az osztályfőnöki órákat megelőzően részt vettek az RGDTS Nonprofit Kft. ‘Egész életen át tartó tanulás’ programjában, hogy fejlesszék kompetenciáikat szociális területeken, illetve aktív állampolgárokká váljanak. Az órákon 10. és 11. évfolyamos diákok vettek részt. Az órák célja a sztereotípiáik, előítéleteik felismerése és tudatosítása volt. A játékok alatt az előítéleteikhez kapcsolódó pozitív és negatív ítéleteik szavakba öntésére, megbeszélésére, feldolgozására, esetleges értékelésére volt alkalom. A fiatalok így felismerhették, hogy mennyiben vállalják előítéleteiket, meggyőződéseiket mások előtt, ezáltal megtapasztalhatták, hogy az őket is érintő társadalmi kérdésekben milyen közös és eltérő vélemények, tendenciák rajzolódnak ki a környezetünkben. A programok célja továbbá az egészen életen át tartó tanulás és az aktív állampolgárság népszerűsítése volt.

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Roma Genocide, Holocaust Education and Antigypsyism in Youth Work

International partnership building seminar of ternYpe 
March 10-15, 2013 in Bad Dürkheim/Heidelberg (Germany)

The partnership-building seminar organized by ternYpe International Roma Youth Network will bring together 50 Roma and non-Roma multipliers and youth activists to create a platform of exchange of experiences, practices and methods for young people and youth organizations how to address Holocaust, antigypsyism and human rights issues in grassroots, national and international actions, and how to strengthen the awareness and mobilization of young people for these issues. The four day lasting seminar on March 10th-15th, 2013 is designed to share experiences between the participating organizations, to increase the knowledge and awareness of participants on the Roma genocide, to reflect on the relevance and creation of a culture of commemoration among Roma and non-Roma youth, and in order to strengthen the coordinated efforts to build joint initiatives on grassroots level, as well as on international level towards the commemoration and to challenge antigypsyism and racism in Europe. The seminar will focus on developing follow-up actions such as a campaign, and on coordinating the preparation of the youth conference and commemoration of the Roma Genocide around August 2nd, as a day of commemoration of the Roma Genocide during World War II.

Project Details

• Dates: March 10-15, 2013 (including travel days, 4 program days)
• Place: Bad Dürkheim/Heidelberg, Germany
• Participants: About 50 participants from 30 Roma and non-Roma youth organizations

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Nyári tábor Budapesten, a Normafánál

2013. július 15 és 22 között az RGDTS Nonprofit Kft. Nyári tábort szervezett a ternYpe Magyarország Hálózattal közösen Budapesten, a Normafánál. A táborban, amely egy tréning is volt egyben, 40 fiatal bolgár, olasz, szlovák, német és magyar fiatal felnőtt vett részt. Az egy hetes táborban a résztvevők különböző workshop-okon vettek részt: online és offline media; közösségszervezés és aktív állampolgárság; identitás és sztereotípia; kreatív kampányok. A programok amellet, hogy képességfejlesztőek, hiszen a tréninget a témákban jártas szakemberek tartották, egyfajta lehetőség a fiatal felnőtteknek, hogy mint csoportvezetők működjenek, illetve tudásukat, szervezőképességüket továbbadják és fejlesszék, emellett a média világába is “belekóstoljanak”, videókat, riportokat készítsenek. A tábor az ‘Egész életen át tartó tanulás – Grundtvig’ program keretében valósult meg.

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