Special call for projects contributing to the Council of Europe campaign on “Young People Combating Hate Speech On-line”
Youth NGOs are invited to apply to a special call for pilot projects to be funded by the European Youth Foundation. The call aims at supporting projects in the framework of the Council of Europe’s flagship project on Young People Combating Hate Speech On-line, which will be run by the youth sector between 2012 and 2014. The project aims to combat racism and discrimination in their on-line expression of hate speech by equipping young people and youth organisations with the competences necessary to recognize and act against such human rights violations. In this framework, a European-wide campaign against hate speech on-line will be running in 2013 aiming to motivate, engage and mobilise young people and youth organisations to take action against hate speech online.
In this framework, two types of projects can be supported by the European Youth Foundation:
I. Projects aimed at the creation of Partnerships for national “campaigns”
The European Youth Foundation invites youth organisations to organise coalitionbuilding workshops at local, regional or national level. The aim is to mobilise youth organisations and other stakeholders to build coalitions or partnerships that will support the campaign against hate speech on-line that the Council of Europe is launching in 2013.
II. Capacity-building workshops for multipliers and activists
The European Youth Foundation is calling for applications for workshops aimed at preparing and developing the competences of youth trainers, multipliers and activists to address and combat hate speech on-line and at preparing or sharing tools and materials for the European campaign against hate speech on-line to be implemented in 2013.
Detailed project description/Call for applications.
The deadline for submitting applications is 15 September 2012 for projects taking place before the end of 2012. A decision on the grants to be awarded will be taken before the end of September.