
  • “Youth has the Power”: Series of workshops design and lead by the youth, covering topics such as education, empowerment of youth, active leadership, creativity etc.
  • MTV SAF (Staying Alive Foundation) Aids doesn’t know about discrimination … protect yourself!: awareness campaign regarding AIDS, HIV and STD. For the first time a NGO from Macedonia got an award from MTV and the NGO itself is a Roma NGO. 
  • Staying Alive Festival 2011 in Kratovo: The Regional Roma Educational Youth Association (RROMA) organized the Staying Alive 2011 festival as part of the awareness campaign "Aids doesn't know about Discrimination ... Protect yourself!". Interesting is the fact that RROMA is the first Roma NGO worldwide receiving support from the MTV Staying Alive Foundation to run this campaign. The youth created and participated in a first flash mob in Kratovo. A frozen town installation and a fashion show with young children and RROMA girls showed the multicultural background of Macedonia, as well as we spread the message "Aids does not know about Discrimination ... Protect yourself!” to strengthen the consciousness about health issues regardless of culture and ethnicity. The youth performed a little sketch for the audience and the young band Mambo Brass Kocani, as well as other local bands and DJs helped in creating a wonderful atmosphere.

  • "ROMA-lution - Our way of empowerment!": The aim of the project was to develop the capacity of 20 young Roma girls from Vinica, Veles, Kocani, Stip and Berovo by providing them training in the field of new media, creative action research including questionnaires on topics such as early marriages and the importance of education for change. Having conducted a research in the five communities about those topics, the girls produced a documentation about the issues of education and early marriages, which was presented to the public in order to initiate a public debate.  Using RROMA's active girls as role models we talked with other Roma girls about the issue of early marriages, the importance of education and other problems. It was also positive to hear that after an early marriage, some of the girls found their way back to the education system and even became university students.