Presentation Call for applications Group C: 15 November 2011

We are pleased to inform you of the Call for applicants for Group C of the Youth Peace Ambassadors Project. This is the last group that will be launched within the framework of this project and candidates will need to be committed to working on the project from 15 November 2011 through to December 2012.
The Youth Peace Ambassadors project promotes and supports young people in peace-building activities that contribute to living together in justice, dignity and dialogue. The project is the result of a need assessment made by European youth organisations, and builds upon the particular contribution and perspective that youth work and youth policy can bring to peace-building processes in Europe, especially through its preventive and educational nature. Central to the project are the concepts of peace and “deep security”, understood as a long-term and deep-rooted processes ensuring equality in dignity for all, fostering intercultural dialogue, and providing real access to and participation in the democratic process all over Europe.
The Council of Europe invites all youth leaders coming from conflict-affected communities, such as as those experiencing or recovering from armed conflict, terrorism, frozen conflict, rise of racist discourse, nationalism and xenophobia, the escalation of hate speech and hate crime, discrimination and social exclusion, especially related to the Roma community, migrants and refugees, to apply to to take part in the training for the the last group, group C, of future ambassadors that will be launched within this project.
You can find attached detailed information about the project background, aim and objectives, profile of the candidates and selection procedure.
Please note that the deadline for submitting applications is 31st October 2011. Only duly completed applications, made on the online application form, will be accepted for consideration. The link to the form is .and is also given in the attached presentation document.
We would appreciate you sharing this call for applications in your network of organisations and young people.
Please note that West and North-West European countries, Roma Youth and young refugees and migrants are under represented in the project and we would encourage the call being disseminated even more widely in these regions and among these groups.
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