The new EU youth program: Where are you going?

Young people, in times of crisis and economic austerity, do not need nice words but strong investments. Young people must be a political and financial priority for Europe. We are going to ask the European Parliament and EU Member States for a strong and independent Youth in Action Programme for non-formal education, youth work and democratic youth organisations and an ambitious European Youth Employment Plan. Young people and youth organisations deserve nothing less!

Are you going to support us?

Today the Youth Forum starts a public campaign and we need your support! We need you to act in order to spread the message from local level to the European level. We want you to get as many people as possible writing their support on the webpage, for an Independent Youth in Action Programme and Investments in Youth across the next EU Budget. We need to target the Heads of State, the Youth and Education ministers and the European Parliament in order for them to invest in young people in general.

Please link it to your websites, newsletters, Facebook pages, send it to your friends, Members of the European Parliament and relevant stakeholders in your country – send it to your head of state and make them sign!

Find out more about the background of the European Commission proposal regarding a new program called "ERAMSMUS FOR ALL":

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