Documentary online: The Roma Genocide

The documentary film about the ternYpe project "The Roma Genocide", which took place in August 2010 in Kraków/Auschwitz, Poland is finally online.

length: 9:34 minutes
realized by: Israel Ramirez Sanchez

Around August 2nd, 2011 “ternYpe – International Roma Youth Network” will bring together young Europeans of different cultures and backgrounds to commemorate the extermination of Roma in the concentration camp Auschwitz-Birkenau and to develop a dialogue on the topic of xenophobia and racism in Europe today. Knowledge and recognition of the extermination of Roma during the Second World War is still very limited - especially among young Europeans including the Roma. The seminar will focus on the concepts, methods and challenges of Holocaust education related to the Roma Genocide. Moreover, follow-up measures and activities will be developed that can be realized by participants in their home countries based on the “ternYpe” philosophy of intercultural dialogue and mobilization of young Roma. more information

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