The ternYpe European Youth Campaign stands up for mutual respect and responsibility of ALL in ONE society. We stand up against extremism, antigypsyism, racism, stigmatization and discrimination in Europe. more information
ternYpe Academy
During its General Assembly in Bulgaria in November 2012, ternYpe decided to establish a joint international training plan, which contributes to the work of the member organizations, to the annual priorities of ternYpe, to the development of the network identity, the capacity-building of young activists, youth leaders, trainers and facilitators.
Roma Genocide
Marking the 70th anniversary of the remembrance day of the Roma Genocide on August 2, we gather 1.000 young Roma and non-Roma from all over the world. Remember the past, act in the present, and change the future! Come and join the “Roma Genocide Remembrance Initiative”! www.2august.eu
Yag Bari from Spain and Nakeramos from Spain were voted to be a full member organizations of ternYpe. Nevo Parudimos from Romania and Czulent Jewish youth organization from Poland were accepted as associated members. Congratulations!